Prostatitis in men: symptoms and how to treat it with home medication

Prostatitis is a disease often diagnosed in sexually active men. The first signs of the disease should be sufficient reason to consult a doctor, since untimely treatment can lead to the development of serious complications.Generally, the disease is diagnosed in people around the age of forty, but young people are not immune to this scourge. Next, let’s talk about how to treat male prostatitis at home.


Before talking about how to effectively cure prostatitis, it is necessary to discuss the reasons why prostatitis occurs. This is all due to prostate infection. Pathogenic microorganisms can easily enter the prostate through adjacent organs.Normal prostate (left) and prostatitis with signs of inflammation (right)An important factor worth noting is thatThe infection itself does not cause the manifestations of the disease. Usually this phenomenon occurs unnoticed.Disease progression is under the influence of multiple factors.The most popular of them are:
  1. The effects of cold on the body when a person is weak due to reduced immunity.
  2. With a sedentary lifestyle comes stagnation.
  3. Systemic problems with bowel movements.
  4. Man’s passivity and inactivity on the material plane.
  5. Sexually transmitted infections that are not properly treated.
  6. Long-term abstinence or excessive sexual activity. The golden mean is better.
  7. Exhaustion, nutritional errors, emotional outbursts, etc. All of these can have negative health effects.
All these aspects together constitute a powerful mechanism for the onset of the disease. This creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms that cause prostatitis.

clinical picture

As soon as the disease occurs, a person will immediately start complaining of a number of symptoms:
  1. Dysfunction of the urogenital area. An unpleasant sensation during bowel movements. After having a bowel movement, you may not feel any relief; your stomach may hurt.
  2. Reproductive system diseases. During intense sex, the sensations experienced during intercourse may be eliminated. There are also problems with erection.
  3. People with this diagnosis are often aggressive, nervous, and worried about their condition.
The symptoms of the acute form are usually very obvious. This disease can really catch people off guard. The patient complained of fever and pain in the groin area and rectum. The urinary process can also be disrupted.Often there are no symptoms at all. This is observed in chronic prostatitis.At the same time, pain and discomfort may occur from time to time, but to a lesser extent.

Is treatment acceptable at home?

Male reproductive system diseases are the main symptoms of prostatitisUnfortunately, men are much less likely to see a doctor than women. Maybe it's due to the constant work, or being embarrassed in front of the doctor. The patient asked, how to cure prostatitis without leaving home? But such a strategy is wrong. How to treat prostatitis, how to treat it,Only a doctor can reason adequately.
Such measures can only be taken if a specialist agrees with the desire to use folk remedies or prescribes folk remedies on the basis of the main treatment.
It’s worth noting that today there are plenty of time-tested methods to eliminate this disease.Self-medication is not acceptable when it comes to health, and you must follow all medical advice beyond grandma's remedies.It is recommended to treat chronic prostatitis symptoms at home with a combination of medications. That is, you need to use both.

Basically effective method

A quick cure for prostatitis in men is home treatment with pumpkin seeds. They have long been known for their healing powers. Ancient people have long used this method to treat various diseases. They contain a lot of zinc.This element must be present in the diet of men of any age. An at-home treatment for chronic prostatitis in men is with pumpkin seeds.Just thirty seeds a day and you'll be feeling better in no time.A purified form of the same material can help treat prostatitis at home. The seeds need to be crushed and doused with honey. You need to form balls from the resulting mixture. Every day, you need to eat two such products systematically before meals.Medication should be chewed thoroughly beforehand. No further frying of seeds is required. This action must be repeated once a year, after which the disease will no longer bother you. Pumpkin seeds are an effective folk remedy for prostatitisAn equally popular method isChestnut therapy.You just need to remove the shells from these fruits and pour boiling water over them. This drug must be infused for about an hour and taken in the form of tea. You can also use this medication to give an enema.

juice therapy

When the question is how to treat prostatitis at home, you can get unexpected and delightful answers. Juice has long been used for this purpose, and drinking it is more pleasurable than medicine.Asparagus, cucumber, carrot and beet juice are very healthy. But a prerequisite for this treatment is to drink at least 0. 5 liters of juice every day.A decoction of black elderberries can also be used for therapeutic purposes. You need to drink a tablespoon of the medicine on an empty stomach in the morning. The course of treatment is approximately ten days. Add a tablespoon of vinegar to the medicine. At the same time, temperatures may rise, which is absolutely normal.

massage therapy

complicatedTreating prostatitis at home will certainly include massage.Many representatives of the dominant gender consciously avoid such procedures.
Of course, this cannot be called pleasant, but the high effectiveness of the treatment will make you forget about unpleasant feelings and turn to the positive.
This operation is almost the most effective for this disease. What's her secret? In fact, massage can help fight not only bacterial prostatitis but all forms of the disease.Manipulation actions:
  1. Restores blood supply to the prostate.
  2. Stimulates muscle tone.
  3. Promote the effective outflow of secretions.
  4. Increase the effectiveness of antibiotic treatment.
But such actions can cause significant harm.
Amateurism in this matter is also unacceptable. The procedure is performed by qualified experts.
It is necessary to incorporate prostate massage into the comprehensive treatment of prostatitis. Before starting, you need to consider all possible contraindications:
  1. The bacterial form of the disease is in its acute phase.
  2. malignant nature of the disease.
  3. Prostatic cysts and stones.
How to treat prostatitis symptoms in men at home if medication doesn't work? First, you need to focus on massage.

Dietary characteristics and habits of prostatitis

This disease requires a person to completely change their lifestyle. Special emphasis should be placed on nutrition.In addition to medications and other medications, your doctor will also provide advice on your daily diet.Don't drink too much alcohol or add too much salt to your food. Drinking the right amount of water is very important. It's worth eliminating pickled, smoked, fried and fatty foods entirely. Boiling, stewing and baking are preferred.People who like to drink coffee and strong tea should give up their habits. All of these can irritate the gastrointestinal tract and negatively affect pathology.Patients with prostatitis should eat more fiber-rich foods and fermented dairy products on the table. Eating vegetables is very useful. The menu should be balanced.In the future, it is worth preventing hypothermia in the body,Never sit on cold surfaces. It pays to be active in sports. If your career field involves a sedentary lifestyle, you'll need to warm up and exercise every hour.It is important to eliminate bad habits and monitor your health.

in conclusion

Even minor problems with urination and other minor symptoms should prompt a person to see a doctor. Only doctors know which drugs and how to treat prostatitis in men.Men should consult their doctor at the first symptoms of prostatitis
Under no circumstances should you ignore your doctor's advice. Only a combination of treatments will be effective: including medications, massage and suppositories for treating prostatitis at home.
Antibiotic treatment can also only be prescribed by certified specialists, and patients must adhere to the medication regimen.There is no need to avoid massage. Although this is an unpleasant process, it is very effective. Generally speaking, treatment takes time. Take extra care of yourself to avoid serious complications later.